Gas permeable contact lens is the same lens that is called as GP lens, RGP lenses, rigid gas permeable lenses and oxygen permeable lenses. The terms by which the lens is called clearly suggest that these contact lenses are rigid lenses that are made of highly durable plastic material that can transmit oxygen to the eyes.
The gas permeable contact lens first appeared in the late 1970s. The GP lenses contain silicone a more flexible material than PMMA, which was used for making hard contact lens. Silicone, being highly permeable, is used in every GP lens to enable oxygen to pass through the lenses. In fact, this type of contact lens allows more oxygen to be transmitted to the eye than the soft contact lenses. As a result, the contact lens user benefits in terms of better vision, resiliency and deposit resistance than its soft lens version. Because of its durability, the GP lens last longer.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of GP Lenses
In terms of benefits, RGP lenses offer more than what soft lenses have. Firstly, the GP lenses retain their shape even if the owner blinks always. This can be attributed to the firm plastic materials, which make up the GP lenses. Because of this feature, the lenses promote vivid vision, which the soft lenses fall short to deliver. Wearers of the GP lenses attest that they get higher quality of vision than the soft contact lenses. RGP lenses are very durable. They do not easily tear apart. They are made of materials that are devoid of water so the protein and lipid from tears do not stick to GP lenses.
The RGP contact lenses have a number of downsides also. They are to be worn regularly. If you stop wearing them for a week, you will get the uncomfortable feeling just like when you started wearing it. You will end up learning the whole process of adjusting to it from the very start. However, it is worth persisting. They are smaller; hence, the possibility of being misplaced or dislodged is higher especially during excessive physical exertions. There is also the danger of dust getting under the lenses once the eye blinks. This causes extreme discomfort and abrasion to the eye and consequently damages the contacts.
Cleaning Steps for GP Lenses and GP Case
Although tap water can clean practically everything, it is not recommended for rinsing the contact lenses because it may have microorganisms that can cause eye infections. Be sure to wash hands before starting with the cleaning process. Always start with the right lens by removing it and placing it on your palm. Put a few drops of the cleaning solution and with a gentle back and forth motion, rub the lens. After a while, rinse it. Repeat rubbing the lens and finish by rinsing it again. Do the same process with the other lens. Practice caution when using care solutions and be sure you are using the right care solution for your GP lenses.
Put the lens in its case. Fill the case with storage solution. It is important to clean the case to make sure that you are putting the lens in a sanitized compartment. Storage cases are potential breeding place for bacteria and other microorganisms. It is recommended to replace the GP case regularly.
The decision to choose between soft contact lens or gas permeable contact lens really depends on how much the user knows about the product. It mainly depends on what features are being sought after, whether it is comfort, longevity, clearness and cost. It is always best to consult the only person who can help you – your optometrist. It is never a waste of time before coming up with a final decision.